My sister

 πŸ’₯My sister name is Nayodhara Himayangani.

 πŸ’₯She is 13 years old.

      πŸ’₯She is very intelligent.

     πŸ’₯ She studies in class 08.

      πŸ’₯My sister is a good student.

      πŸ’₯She is younger to me.

πŸ’₯She is beautiful. She has short black hair.

     πŸ’₯She gets good marks in all subject.

     πŸ’₯She obeys with me.

          πŸ‘Š❤She is a very talented dancer ❤

πŸ’₯ She play with they say. She also teaches me.

πŸ’₯She protect me and help me in my problems.

      πŸ’₯She is active and healthy.❤

                  ❤I love my sister ❤

                ❤I am proud of her.❤



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